Responsible Gambling

While online gambling is designed purely for entertainment, people tend to get carried away. NewCanada.Casino’s mission is to inform players about the serious side-effects of gambling if you play beyond your limits.

Failing to stick to your boundaries can have serious repercussions on your financial, social, and personal health. Players who spend too much time gambling often overshoot those limits without realising.

While this could happen to anyone at any time, the good news is that if you religiously follow our responsible gambling practices, you can identify potential risks and deal with them quickly. But, the first step to identifying the symptoms of gambling addiction is accepting that there is a problem.

How to Identify Gambling Addiction?

There are clear signals of problematic gambling behaviour, and it’s not difficult to identify. Here is a detailed questionnaire that can help you find the answers.

1. Do you gamble at the expense of social, financial, or professional life?

2. Do you frequently get a strong urge to recover losses?

3. Do you ignore other aspects of your life to quench the urge to gamble?

4. Do you gamble beyond your means?

5. Are you ashamed of publicly acknowledging your gambling habit?

6. Have you ever been inclined to borrow or steal to fuel your gambling habit?

These are some of the primary questions that you must answer to identify the symptoms of problem gambling. There is no feeling of shame, anxiety, or social stigma attached to it.

How to Fight Gambling Addiction?

There are several ways to conquer gambling addiction. The three primary solutions are:

  • Finding a helpline
  • Signing up for a support group
  • Become a sponsor

Gambling addiction is common and can be overcome with patience and determination. Fighting the problem is much easier once you’ve accepted your addiction.